Dynamic onboarding/offboarding

A single innovative platform to manage all of your company's human resources

The first simple, effective and intuitive employee recruitment and management software.

real impact on your HR team and costs

A time and efficiency gain of up to :
In employee management
For recruitment tasks

Our promise

We built Altee by following 5 orientations

Your team will be able to use the software immediately. It's so simple that no training is necessary!

Centralize employee management and recruitment with Altee. Thanks to the synchronization of different modules and its online use, your team has never been more efficient.

The displayed prices are the actual prices. No commitment required. Only the quality of service will keep you!

Registration takes 60 seconds and there are no implementation costs. Who does it better?

Your data belongs to you and you can export it at any time. We are also "Law 25" and GDPR compliant.

Votre équipe sera immédiatement en mesure d'utiliser le logiciel. C'est si simple qu'aucune formation n'est nécessaire!

Centralisez la gestion de vos employés et le recrutement avec Altee. Grâce à la synchronisation des différents modules et à son utilisation en ligne, votre équipe n’aura jamais été aussi efficace.

Les tarifs affichés sont les tarifs réels. Aucun engagement requis.  Seule la qualité du service vous retiendra!

L’inscription prend 60 seconde et il n’y a aucun coût d’implantation.  Qui fait mieux?

Vos données vous appartiennent et vous pouvez les exporter à tout moment. Nous sommes également compatible avec la "loi 25" et la “RGPD”

The main features of Altee


ATS package

Say goodbye to stacks of resumes cluttering your desk!
Attract more candidates through our career site and save 58% of your recruiters' time by using the automated applicant tracking system and posting to a complete network of job boards.

Employee Management

HRIS package

What if you could manage all your human resources from a single software?
No more excel and small sheets, everything is synchronized, organized and analyzed to allow you to make the best decisions for your team.

Employee experience and communication

Employee experience and communication

Employee experience and communication

Employee experience and communication





Time Management

Time Management

Time Management

Employee success and optimization

Employee success and optimization

Start your free trial

Enjoy 30 days of free trial and implementation included to discover how Altee will optimize your HR practices.

Safety, compliance and eco-responsibility

3 non-negotiable aspects for us.
Feel free to ask us questions if you have any specific concerns.

Renewable energy

Our servers use 100% hydroelectric energy. When considering external services we use, this percentage is 98.2%

Data Encryption

All your files stored in the system are encrypted using the AES-256 algorithm

Triple redundancy

Your data is duplicated 3 times to maximize data security

GDPR compliance and more

Data hosting in Quebec (Canada) or in Europe in order to ensure excellent data protection and compliance with personal information protection laws

Do you still have questions?

Can't find the answer you're looking for? Our team is there for you.
Contact us