You have the ability to modify pipeline, form, and email templates to simplify and automate recruitment management.
Steps to Follow:
How to Modify a Form Template?
Go to the Recruitments module, in the Templates tab, and click on Form Templates. Next, select the template of interest and click on Edit.
You can modify the form name and optionally add a note. You can also customize the form according to your needs by adding various elements to the drop zone. To do this, click or drag the desired elements into the drop zone on the right.
If you click on Edit, you will be able to preview the final version of your form.
Once you are satisfied, click on Save.
When you select this form during the creation of a position, it will be used by candidates to apply.
In the preview section, there is a Filtering Question option that allows you to mark form elements as filtering questions. To enable this, simply toggle the filtering question button. When candidates apply via your career site, their answers to filtering questions will appear in the pipelines.
All the information filled out by candidates in this form through your career site will appear in View Profile/Application. You can edit this information directly within the profile.
How to Modify an Email Template?
Go to the Recruitments module, in the Templates tab, and click on Email Templates. Next, select the email template of interest and click on Edit.
Customize the email according to your needs, and once satisfied, click on Save.
On the right, you will see tokens containing the first name, last name, and job title. You can copy and include them in the email. When the email is sent, these tokens will automatically be replaced with their respective content. For example: The token {applicant_firstname} will be replaced with the candidate's first name. The token {applicant_lastname} will be replaced with their last name. The token {job_title} will be replaced with the job title.
Be sure to remove double slashes // from automatic emails; otherwise, they will appear in your email.
An example of an email with the final output is attached.