With Altee, you can view a real-time detailed report of your employees’ worked hours.
Steps to Follow:
Go to the Worked Hours module, then to the Report tab. Next, click on the View Details button to the right of the employee whose report you want to view
You will be redirected to the Monthly Summary section. In this section, you can see all the details related to your employees' worked hours.
If you click on the Summary table details button, you can view the scheduled and worked hours for each week in graphical form.
You can also access this detailed report directly by going to the Monthly Summary section. Simply select the employee in the search bar to view all details of their worked hours.
If multiple time intervals were recorded on a specific date, you can view all details by clicking on the small triangle on the far right of the date.
At the bottom of the summary table, you will find an overview of the Total Assigned Hours by Project, Training Hours, and Unassigned Hours.